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Pattern of Success

American Chemistry Council


The Goal: Maximize participation among a diverse base of member-company employees and internal staff.


  • Reach 100 percent participation for the ACC Board.

  • Increase prior approval from the large base of member-companies.

  • Continue strong engagement among internal association staff.

  • Engage eligible member-company employees through company campaigns.


The Solution: A targeted education and fundraising approach to the spring 2016 campaign strategy.


  • Expanded the eligible class of member-company employees through a prior approval campaign, resulting in a higher percentage of approvals in 2016 compared to 2015.

  • Engaged ACC’s internal staff in an association-wide, targeted, six-week education and solicitation campaign resulting in continued high participation.  

  • Conducted more formalized company campaigns within targeted member-companies, providing all materials for their use.

  • Unified the imagery for all the PAC campaigns with the association’s look and feel and applied altruistic messaging aligning with the association’s mission, based on research revealing that members had a strong affinity for ACC.

  • Implemented education-based messaging to overcome a lack of information among eligibles and explain the PAC’s role in the political process, emphasizing transparency in contribution disbursements and highlighting the PAC’s benefit to the industry.

  • Created additional materials to go along with the campaigns, including a visually focused, biannual newsletter, an AmeriChem PAC lapel pin, a payroll deduction “how-to,” a Company Campaign Toolkit, a call sheet template for Board members to contact prospective donors, and an email from ACC’s President and CEO to encourage 100 percent leadership participation.


The Outcome: The click-through rates for the 2016 PAC spring education and solicitation campaign communications far exceeded industry averages. The goal for the 2016 election cycle was originally $550,000. This goal was far surpassed, with receipts for the cycle reaching $604,020 by year-end (a 19 percent growth over the 2014 election cycle).


Trailblazer Award Winner​




National Emergency Medicine PAC (NEMPAC) sponsored by the American College of Emergency Physicians


The Challenge: Increase awareness of NEMPAC among a new, younger donor base.


NEMPAC’s donor base was beginning to narrow as some major donors began to leave the organization due to retirement. In turn, many new members of the organization who were young physicians either in Residency training or that had just graduated from Residency, were not engaged in advocacy.  When faced with attracting and maintaining new donors, the organization found a widespread lack of awareness as well as difficulty appealing to the diverse political inclinations of its 38,000 membership.


The Solution: A comprehensive education-based campaign with integrated channels of communication.


  • Developed a strategic plan for NEMPAC’s resource management.

  • Conducted market research through focus groups and surveys of the association’s members and measured the findings against industry benchmarking data.

  • Created a new communication plan based on the research results. The plan centered around a “back-to-basics" campaign that consisted of global education messages and electronic newsletters, followed by a targeted solicitation campaign tailored to engage prospective donors.

    • Further efforts were made via social media ads, graphically-appealing email messages and infographic education pieces to spread awareness among existing and potential donors and enhance transparency of the organization.

  • Integrated previously siloed methods of communication, layering direct mail, telemarketing, plain text email, graphic designed email, electronic newsletter, social media, text-to-donate and peer-to-peer efforts for a common goal.

  • Coordinated awareness efforts with ACEP's 50th Anniversary celebration to increase brand familiarity between the two organizations.


The Outcome: NEMPAC saw increased participation of its 4,000+ resident community across the board. The Emergency Medicine Resident Association (EMRA) Board increased its participation to 100 percent at the VIP donor level of the PAC. NEMPAC saw significant increases in traditional open rates for emails, as well as more members choosing to donate at VIP contribution levels. NEMPAC had one of its best fundraising efforts to date and raised $250,000 in May/June 2018 alone to exceed their goal of $1 million.


Trailblazer Award Winner






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