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New Research Uncovers the Latest Best Practices among Business PACs

For Immediate Release

September 20, 2018

Contact: Jeri Richardson


Washington, DC – Sagac Public Affairs is publishing a report today with the results of the “2018 Large Association Political Action Committee Best Practices Study.” Sagac conducted the study between July 16 and September 4, 2018, covering a sample of business association political action committees with annual receipts in excess of $500,000. The study evaluates PAC governance, planning, transparency, fundraising, compliance and human resources activities.

“The goal of this research, along with all of the PAC research Sagac has provided over the last two decades, is to identify the most successful PAC fundraising, governance, communications and political giving tactics being employed in the marketplace,” said Trey Richardson, Managing Partner of Sagac.

The data in this study allows individuals in the political action arena to see where they stack up in the ecosystem and how they can improve their organization. Findings include surprising statistics on everything from an average of 22 members serving on PAC Boards, 87 percent of which actively engage in fundraising activities, to 96 percent of PACs using peer-to-peer solicitation for fundraising purposes and 73 percent offering special events as a donor benefit.

More insightful results reveal that email reigns king as the top method of communication at 86 percent, with an average of 14 solicitation messages sent per year, 24 percent of members object to giving to a PAC because they “don’t like politics” and 81 percent of PACs identify potential donors through PAC events at annual meetings.

Sagac Public Affairs first developed the study in 2010 to uncover best practices in business PAC programming. The study has been revised and updated as of this release. This particular round of research was organized exclusively by Sagac. The report on the study results can be found in the “Research” section under “Reports and Analysis” at, along with detailed charts and additional breakdowns.

Sagac Public Affairs is a national company providing communications, research, fundraising and management solutions to hundreds of political, non-profit and corporate organizations.


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